Watch other videos: Crusader 2 Multiplayer Gameplay#StrongholdCrusader2#LordTAT#StrongholdCrusader2MP#StrongholdH. Download Stronghold Crusader II. The popular sequel to the original castle management simulator.
Developer: FireFly StudiosEditor: FireFly Studios
Genre: Strategy, Real Time ( Medieval )
Players : 1-8 ( Competitive : 2-8 / Cooperative : 2 )
Released: March 20, 2015
Pegi : +16

Minimum Requirements:
Operating System : Vista ( SP1 ) / Windows 7 (SP1 ) / Windows 8
Processor: Intel® Core ™ 2 Duo 2GHz or equivalent
RAM : 2 Gb .
Hard disk space : 7 Gb .
AMD Radeon or NVIDIA GeForce 8800GT 512 Mb 512 Mb ™ HD 2900XT or better : Video Card . .
Recommended requirements :
Operating System : Vista ( SP1 ) / Windows 7 (SP1 ) / Windows 8
Stronghold Crusader 2 Espanol Google Drive Gratis
Processor: Intel® Core ™ i5 or equivalent
RAM: 8Gb .
Hard disk space : 7 Gb .
AMD Radeon or NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 1GB ™ HD 5830 1 GB or better : Video Card . .
Part1 : Part2 : Part3 :
Stronghold Crusader 2 Espanol Google Drive Mp4
Part4 : Part5 : Part6MEGA:
Part1 : Part2 : Part3 : Part4 : Part5 : Part6

Part1 : Part2 : Part3 : Part4 : Part5 : Part6
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