Psx Memory Card Download Mcr

Advanced PSX memory card editor which supports a lot of memory card and single save formats. In order to run this application.NET framework 2.0 is required. Moo's Save State Tool: This is a clever tool that lets you organize the save states from ePSXe. This can be useful, given the size of a typical save state file. READ / LEIADownload emulator: Eleven 4 - Original - english: https://www.yout.

PSX memory card operations


The PSX to USB adapter offers functionality to read and write memory cards through a multitap. This means that the following is possible:
  • Copying the contents of a memory card to your computer for backup purposes
  • Restoring a backup or copying it to another card
  • Downloading saves from the net and using them on a real console
  • Moving saves from/to a physical memory card and a virtual memory card in an emulator
The purpose of this page is to provide some guidance and tips on how to perform the above.

Backing up memory cards

The raphnet adapter manager has a button to read the complete contents of a memory card and save it to a file. The file format is .MC or .MCR (both are equivalent and exactly 131072 bytes in size). There exist other formats (such as .GME) but these are not currently supported.
To backup a memory card:
  1. Connect a multitap to your adapter
  2. Install the memory card in port A
  3. In the adapter manager, press the 'Read PSX memory card' button. The adapter manager will read the memory card completely into memory. This takes less than one minute. Upon success, you will be asked where to save the file.

Now to perform the contrary operation, that is to write a backup to a memory card:
  1. Connect a multitap to your adapter
  2. Install the memory card in port A
  3. Click on the 'Write PSX memory card' button. The adapter manager will ask that you select the source file, then it will ask that you confirm before writing to the memory card and replacing its contents completely.

Copying saves from the NET to a real memory card

Interesting saves are available from sites such as gamefaqs. For instance, saves that load the game in a debug room, or saves where you have all weapons and maximum level right at the beginning, or rare items are a fun way to extend the life of a game!
Such saves for the PSX appear to be more often than not distributed in .GME format which is not supported by the adapter manager at the time. But .GME files can be converted to the .MC/.MCR format easily with different tools. Here we will show how to use a program named PSX Memory Card Manager that runs unoder Linux and Windows.
  1. Download the save that interests you. For this example, I downloaded a FF7 save by XSolaris where the game characters have a high level from this page: The downloaded file in this example is final-fantasy-vii.2338.gme.
  2. Start the PSX Memory Card Manager and open the .gme file. In the screenshot below, you can see several other saves in the memory card image but with the title between parentheses and a lighter icon. Ignore those, they are merely saves that were deleted. The one of interest is at the top. (FF7/SAVE01/81:46)
  3. From the file menu, choose 'Save Image' to save everything in .MC or .MCR format.
  4. Now using the adapter manager, overwrite your physical memory card using the file you just saved as a source. This is as described above when restoring a back-up.
  5. Enjoy!
Now what if you want to keep your existing individual saves and only add this one savegame downloaded from the internet to your card? You can, but there are more steps involved, since writing/replacing individual blocks in a memory card is not yet supported. Here is how you can add a single savegame to a physical memory card without erasing what's already there:
  1. Open the downloaded file in PSX Memory Card Manager. Select the save, then from the file menu click on 'Save Single Game Save'. This will allow you to save a file in the .MCS format. This is a copy of the contents of a single save, not of a whole memory card.
  2. Make a backup copy of your physical memory card (i.e. Read your card using the adapter manager, saving a .MCR file).
  3. Open your card's .MCR image in PSX Memory Card Manager. The use the 'Load Single Game Save' to insert the previously saved .MCS file. PSX Memory Card Manager will find a free block and place it there.
  4. Save the combined result in a new .MCR file.
  5. Use the adapter manager's 'Write PSX memory card' button to write the new image to your memory card.
  6. Enjoy!

Moving saves between an emulator and a memory card

Want to continue playing a game you began on an actual PSX console, but using an emulator this time? Or the opposite? It is possible, depending on the emulator.
We will use mednafen under Linux as an example. Mednafen uses the .MCR format to store virtual memory card images. For each game, a pair of file is created (one for each slot). Under Linux, those files appear in the $HOME/.mednafen/sav directory. (See screenshot below)
The first part of the .MCR file names correspond to the name of the .TOC/.CUE file you use to load the game. This is how you identify which file is used for which game.
Note: The .0 or .1 are there to differentiate between the first slot (0) and the second slot (1).
To transfer your saves from a memory card to mednafen:
  1. Using the adapter manager, read your memory card and save it over the file corresponding to the game you will use it with. (Figuring out which file to overwrite as described above.)
You can also use the PSX Memory Card Manager to open the .MCR file in mednafen's sav directory directly, and then insert individual saves using 'Load Single Game Save'. See previous section for more information.
To transfer your saves from mednafen to a physical memory card:
  1. Using the adapter manager, click 'Write PSX memory card' and select the correct .MCR file from the mednafen sav directory. (Make a backup first if you have important data on your memory card!)


Hopefully this page clearly demonstrates typical use for the memory card read/write functionality offered by our PSX to USB adapter.
Feel free to contact us if there are other emulators or particular use cases that are unclear or not supported yet.

Author: Shendo
Version: 1.9
Updated: 2014-XX-XX (YYYY-MM-DD)
.NET Framework 2.0.
Windows® Vista™ or 7 for the glass status bar.
About MemcardRex:
MemcardRex is a PS1 Memory Card explorer/editor.
The following Memory Card formats are supported:
* ePSXe/PSEmu Pro Memory Card(*.mcr)
* DexDrive Memory Card(*.gme)
* pSX/AdriPSX Memory Card(*.bin)
* Bleem! Memory Card(*.mcd)
* VGS Memory Card(*.mem, *.vgs)
* PSXGame Edit Memory Card(*.mc)
* DataDeck Memory Card(*.ddf)
* WinPSM Memory Card(*.ps)
* Smart Link Memory Card(*.psm)
* MCExplorer(*.mci)
* PSP virtual Memory Card(*.VMP) (opening only)
* PS3 virtual Memory Card(*.VM1)
The following single save formats are supported:
* PSXGame Edit single save(*.mcs)
* XP, AR, GS, Caetla single save(*.psx)
* Memory Juggler(*.ps1)

Download Psx Memory Card Files

* Smart Link(*.mcb)
* Datel(*.mcx;*.pda)
* RAW single saves
* PS3 virtual saves (*.psv) (importing only)
Reading and writing data to real Memory Cards is supported via DexDrive.
This software is licensed under GPL 3.0 licence.
As of version 1.6 MemcardRex has a suport for InterAct DexDrive.
Both reading and writing data from/to PS1 Memory Cards is supported.
As you may or may not know DexDrive is a very quirky device and sometimes it just refuses to work.
Even the first party software (DexPlorer) has problems with it (failed detection of a device).
If you encounter problems, unplug power from DexDrive, unplug it from COM port and connect it all again.
It is recommended that a power cord is connected to a DexDrive, otherwise some cards won't be detected.
Communication was tested on Windows 7 x64 on a real COM port and with a Prolific and FTDI based USB adapters.
To select a COM port DexDrive is connected to go to 'Options'->'Preferences'.
MemCARDuino is an open source Memory Card communication software for various Arduino boards.
It acts as a simple interface for Memory Card communication similar to commercial DexDrive device.
More information can be found in the 'Hardware' directory of MemcardRex package.
Support for MemCARDuino was added in MemcardRex version 1.8.
PS1CardLink is a software for the actual PlayStation and PSOne consoles.
It requires an official or home made TTL serial cable for communication with PC.
It acts as a firmware which allows you to turn a console into a Memory Card reader.
More information can be found in the 'Hardware' directory of MemcardRex package.

Psx Memory Card Manager

Support for PS1CardLink was added in MemcardRex version 1.8.
Beta testers:
Gamesoul Master.
Thanks to:
Memory Hard core Rikki.
Frédéric Brière.

Psx Emulator Memory Card

Psx Memory Card Download Mcr Online

Mark James.
Change log:

Epsxe Memory Card Download

Version 1.8:
* Fixed a crash if 'File->Quit' was selected after reading Memory Card from DexDrive.
* Added 'Restore window position at startup' option.
* Added 'Format card' option under 'Hardware' menu per Carmax91's suggestion.
* Added support for MemCARDuino, an Arduino based Memory Card reader with open source firmware.
- Check out 'Hardware' directory included with MemcardRex.
* Added support for PS1CardLink, a PS1 software which acts as a Memory Card reader.
- Check out 'Hardware' directory included with MemcardRex.
* Extended support for Action Replay saves. Non standard saves can be imported now (codelist, e00-exe, etc...).
* Bundled 'BCLoader 0.1' plugin, a loader for Black Chocobo FF7 save editor.
Version 1.7:
* DTR line is now used in DexDrive communication.
* Adjusted timing for DexDrive communication.
- Memory Cards that were not readable should work now.
* Added import icon feature in the icon editor.
- 16x16 pixel icons with no more than 16 colors are supported.
* Added a complete set of new interface icons.
- Silk icon set 1.3 by Mark James.
* Added a 'Compare with temp buffer' option.
* Added Del shortcut for 'Remove save' option.
* Message box is now slightly larger for easier readability.
* Save prompt now defaults to 'Yes' instead of 'No'.
* Menu options are now dynamic and items are enabled/disabled related to the currently selected save.
* Bundled 'CTREdit 0.1' plugin, a Crash Team Racing save editor.
Version 1.6:
* Added Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V shortcuts for 'Copy' and 'Paste save from temp buffer' options respectively.
* Added support for *.VM1 Memory Cards.
* Added support for InterAct DexDrive.
- Thanks to Frédéric Brière for information.
* Icon size for save properties window can now be selected
- Inspired by the Kubusleonidas' Memory Card editor.
* Simplified plugin interface (for programmer) but just as powerfull.
* Application settings are now stored in the XML file format.
* GUI is now more consistent with the general usage guidelines.
* Updated 'SpyroEdit' plugin to version 0.3.
* Bundled 'MGSEdit 0.1' plugin, a Metal Gear Solid save editor.
Version 1.5:
* Fixed errors which caused crash in the following situations:
- Formating a slot and saving card in .gme format.
- Opening a card containing corrupted slots.
- Attempt of an edit operation with no save selected.
* Fixed issue which caused significant delay when preferences dialog was opened for the first time.
* Fixed issue which locked a file even if it failed to open.
* Added second color picker to icon editor which is controlled by right mouse button.
* Added 'All files (*.*)' option in the 'Open Memory Card' dialog.
* Added warning message when editing a save with plugin.
- This message can be turned off in the preferences dialog.
* Added 'Close All' option under the 'File' menu.
* If the card could not be opened a more descriptive message is now shown.
* If the save region is unknown hex data will be shown instead in certain dialogs (Datel saves).
* Saves with ASCII encoding (opposite to default Shift-JIS) will now display correct title (Datel saves).
* Product codes can now be less then 10 character long but only if there is no identifier.
* Plugin specs updated. Refer to the sample interface code for changes.
* Updated 'SpyroEdit' plugin to version 0.2.
Version 1.4:
* Fixed error with discarding returned data from plugin.
* Fixed error with plugin menu showing plugins even if there is no card opened.
* Rearanged plugin window to fit more information in less space.
* Bundled 'SpyroEdit 0.1 beta' plugin, a very simple save editor for Spyro the Dragon.
Version 1.3:
* Added temp buffer save information on the toolbar.
* Added plugin system which allows other developers to make save editors for MemcardRex.
- sample code for the plugin interface can be found on
Version 1.2:
* Fixed issue where PSV file containing PS2 save could be imported as PS1 save.
* Fixed crash when zero byte file was imported as a single save.
* Glass status bar can now be toggled on/off from the preferences dialog.
* Only one instance of the same file can now be opened.
Version 1.1:
* Fixed error with status bar not being updated after saving a card.
* Added prompt when 'format slot(s)' operation is initiated.
* Added glass status bar (available on Windows® Vista™ and 7).
* Added multiple file selection in 'Open Memory Card' dialog.
* Tabs can now be closed by pressing the middle mouse button.
* If the backup directory is missing it will now be created when the cards are being backed up.
* If the initial 'Untitled' card has not been edited it will be removed when the existing card is opened.
* Extension left on the raw files will now be ommited upon saving.
* Changed settings format to '.ini'.
Version 1.0:
Note: This version of MemcardRex was written from the scratch.
* Multiple files can now be opened simultaneously.
* Name of the Memory Card is now displayed on the tab.
* Location of the Memory Card is now shown in the status bar.
* Save title can be shown in either ASCII or UTF-16 representation of the original Shift-JIS title.
- This means that if you have a save with innacurate title
switching to UTF-16 should yield better results.
* Custom font can now be selected for the save list in the preferences dialog.
- Recommended font: Microsoft Sans Serif.
* Settings are now stored in 'Settings.cfg' file.
Version 0.9:
* Fixed a small issue with invisible coordinates in icon editor.
* Region column now replaced with country flags.
* Added 'backup memory cards' option which can be toggled on/off from the preferences dialog.
- Upon opening cards will be saved to a backup directory under the same filename.
- Warning: Files over 512KB won't be backed up.
Version 0.8:
* VMP format is supported once again (opening only) since some people were asking for it.
* PS3 virtual save format (*.psv) is now supported (importing only).
* RAW single save format is now supported (both importing and exporting).
* On startup first slot of both memorycards is now selected.
- This will prevent errors with the save import function if user has not
selected the slot to import to.
Version 0.7:
* Fixed error with the 'format slot(s)' function (some data was not deleted after formatting).
* Fixed error with the 'Paste from temp buffer' function
- sometimes occupied slots were detected as free so pasted saves could overwrite existing ones.
* Added flipping and rotation options to icon editor.
* Added support for additional image formats when exporting the icon.
* Added support for XPlorer, Action Replay, GameShark, Caetla, Smart Link and Datel single saves.
Version 0.6:
* Memory Card open function rewritten, files should load a lot faster now.
* Fixed a small error when editing icon of the save on Memory Card 2.
* Old DexDrive cards (with missing slots) and the ones with corrupted header are now supported.
* Requirements have been dropped down to .NET Framework 2.0.
* Right click menu added per Hard core Rikki's suggestion.
* Added save cards prompt upon closing if memorycards have been edited.
* Added occupied slots indicator in save information dialog.
Version 0.5 rev 2:
* Fixed a major bug in the card formatting function.
* Fixed error with import save function for Memory Card 2.
* Fixed error with the grid line settings for Memory Card 2.
* Added command line support per RedawgTS's suggestion.
- That means you can now associate memcards with MemcardRex to open them.
Version 0.5:
* Fixed error with the Shift-JIS to ASCII conversion where 'b' character would come out as 'bb'.
* Added icon editor per TheCloudOfSmoke's suggestion.
* Added preferences dialog where user can change settings.
* Added support for Memory Juggler single saves.
Version 0.4:
Note: This version of MemcardRex was written from the scratch.
* Added comments support for dexdrive memory cards.
* Added toolstrip information.
* Added support for simultaneous editing of 2 memory cards.
* Added support for dragging-and-dropping of memory card files.
* Saves can now be copied to the temp buffer and pasted to the selected card and slot.
* Double click on the selected item now shows a save information.
* Product code, Identifier and Region now shown in the list instead on the toolbar.
* Editing operations are now save based instead of the slot based like in older versions.
* Dropped support for .vmp cards until proper header reconstruction is possible.
Version 0.3b:
* New GUI.
* Added export/import single save function.
Version 0.2b:
* Fixed a small issue with the list refresh function.
Version 0.1b:
* Initial release.