This is a section of the tutorial “Download and Install IMVU Desktop App“. See the entire article here.
The latest version of IMVU is 539.4 on Mac Informer. It is a perfect match for Simulation in the Games category. The app is developed by IMVU and its user rating is 5 out of 5. IMVU is a social network and 3D virtual world where millions of people meet, chat and have fun in animated 3D scenes. You can shop and dress up your avatar with your own personalized look, design and decorate your own 3D space, and connect with new people from around the world. Download the latest version of the IMVU Desktop app. IMVU is a 3D Avatar Social App that allows users to explore thousands of Virtual Worlds or Metaverse, create 3D Avatars, enjoy 3D Chats, meet people. IMVU – a software to get acquainted and communicate in the 3D virtual world. The software allows you to create a character to your preference, pick up clothes, decorate the room, go shopping, customize own environment etc. IMVU uses the 3D characters that enables to meet virtually, make new friends and have a good time.
The browser used in this tutorial to download IMVU Desktop App is Google Chrome . Please, be aware that the installation steps may differ if other browsers are used.
● Steps to install
Click Open.
Drag the IMVU logo onto your Applications folder to begin installation.
A pop up window will appear informing you that the IMVU Desktop App is installing.
After installation, right click on IMVU installer (on your Desktop) and then on Eject “IMVU”. Now, you can delete the .dmg file from your “Downloads” folder.
● Launch IMVU Desktop App
- Double click on the IMVU icon in your Applications folder or open Launchpad to launch the IMVU Desktop App.
- You will be asked to open it, click Open.
Imvu Old Version For Mac

To log in, enter your avatar name or email address, and your password.
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Imvu Download For Windows 10
BROWSE DISCUSSIONSIMVU is an instant messaging tool that lets you communicate with friends and even strangers in a three-dimensional environment.
Imvu Download For Mac
IMVU provides a living, breathing virtual world for you to enter and explore. It's Sims-like in some respects and similar to an MMO in many others, but there are no gameplay elements. You don't have a health bar or have to worry about someone or something killing you.
Imvu Mac Beta
The world is huge and consists of many different areas. They are essentially virtual chat rooms: bars, pizza parlors, outdoor gardens, dance clubs, shopping malls and so forth. As you move into a new area, you'll be chatting with fellow users in the same zone. The program makes it easy to find your friends, and there are many places where friends can go off to enjoy some privacy.
Exploration of the world is accomplished using an avatar, and you can customize your avatar in many different ways: skin color, hair style, clothes, accessories, pets and more. Some of the customization options are free, but many cost credits. You’ll earn credits just by being active, and savvy shoppers can take advantage of timed specials to stretch their credits far. However, if you come across an avatar feature you just have to have right now, then you're probably going to spend some real-world moolah.
Your avatar moves around the world as you control it. You can set its current mood, such as happy, sad or excited. There are a number of expressions or emotes you can make rather than chatting. In addition to walking, you can dance, jump and choose from a wide range of other movements.
IMVU can take a long time to load initially, even on newer computers. Once loaded, it tends to run well without any issues. By default, chat appears in speech bubbles over the avatar of the person chatting. This works OK with a few people but can be very hard to follow in crowded areas. IMVU also has a traditional text chat box. It's much easier to follow, but focusing on it can diminish the overall allure of exploring and chatting in a virtual world.
- Virtual world with no game elements
- Diverse avatar customization
- Avatars can emote
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Imvu For Mac 10.5.8 Download
- Potentially long load times
- Speech bubble chat can be hard to track
- Microtransactions