Redis Client Install Mac

The GUI for streamlined Redis application development

  1. Mac Os Redis Client
  2. Redis Client Install Mac 10.13
  3. Mac Redis Client
  4. Redis Desktop Client For Mac

RedisInsight provides an intuitive and efficient GUI for Redis, allowing you to interact with your databases and manage your data—with built-in support for most popular Redis modules. It provides tools to analyze the memory, profile the performance of your database usage, and guide you toward better Redis usage.


Visualize and interact with your Redis data

  1. If I run redis-cli ping, I get back Could not connect to Redis at Connection refused. I can manually run redis-server in another terminal window, but I'd like to have Redis auto-start on login.
  2. However Redis database usually contains a lot of keys (millions or even billions) and using list presentation is not convenient (or is not possible). DBeaver supports hierarchy presentation of keys. Internally Redis doesn’t support hierarchies but on application level key names may be divided on groups using some character (e.g.

So, a lot of it is the licence, README and, of the 6 binaries, one is a symlink anyway. So it is not a heavy-weight installation with loads of services and config files anyway. By the way, you could always pull and run the dockerredis-cliwithout installing anything: docker run -it redis redis-cli -h # change to your Redis host's IP. Download RDM - GUI for Redis ® for macOS 10.14.0 or later and enjoy it on your Mac. ‎RDM offers you an easy-to-use GUI to access your Redis ® databases and perform some basic operations:. View keys as a tree. CRUD keys. Analyse memory usage for entire DB or for selected namespace in tree-view (redis-server = 4.0 is required). List.

Browse and explore your Redis databases and intuitively interact with your data.

Improve the developer experience


Speed up your developer workflows by easily creating queries, exploring the results, and debugging them.

Optimize Redis usage

Diagnose performance, profile the way your application uses Redis to identify bottlenecks, and optimize Redis usage.

Support Redis modules

Built-in support for RedisGraph, RediSearch, RedisTimeseries, RedisJSON, Redis Streams, and complex data structures.

Monitor your Redis databases

Analyze, manage, and monitor your Redis databases and clusters.

Main capabilities

Supporting Redis OSS, Redis Enterprise, Redis Cloud, Amazon ElastiCache and most popular Redis modules, RedisInsight provides an intuitive GUI for Redis and helps optimize your use of Redis in your applications.

Visualize and Interact with Redis databases

Scan existing keys, add new ones, perform CRUD or bulk operations. Display objects in a pretty-print JSON objects format and support friendly keyboard navigation.

Built-in support for Redis modules

Query, visualize, and interactively manipulate graph, streams and time-series data. Build queries, explore the results, optimize, and quickly iterate with a multi-line query editor. Support for RedisJSON, RediSearch, RedisGraph, Streams, RedisTimeSeries, and RedisGears.

Memory analysis for Redis

Analyze memory usage offline—without affecting Redis performance—by key patterns, key expiry, and advanced search to identify memory issues. Leverage recommendations to reduce memory usage.

Trace Redis commands

Identify top keys, key patterns, and commands. Filter by client IP address, key, or command across all nodes of a cluster. Effectively debug Lua scripts.

Intuitive CLI

When a GUI is not enough, our command-line interface, leveraging the redis-cli, provides syntax highlighting and auto-complete and employs integrated help to deliver intuitive, in-the-moment assistance.

Administer Redis

Mac Os Redis Client

Gain insights into real-time performance metrics, inspect slow commands, and manage Redis configuration directly through the interface.

Related resources

RedisInsight: visualize, monitor, and optimize your development

Discover how RedisInsight makes your developer experience more efficient, intuitive, and visual. It will be your favorite tool when building applications with Redis.

View our documentation

Integrate in minutes with detailed guides, and learn about features that make it easy to work with RedisInsight.

Introducing RedisInsight

Introducing RedisInsight, the missing GUI for Redis helping through the whole process of developing your application with Redis.

Release notes

RedisInsight gets new capabilities every month. Read on to check out new releases and features added to the product.

Download RedisInsight

Thank you for downloading RedisInsight.

Redis Client Install Mac 10.13

Get started by reviewing our documentation

Continue Your Journey to Rediscover Redis

By using Homebrew, you greatly reduce the cost of setting up and configuring Redis on Mac OSX.

How to Install Homebrew ( on Mac OSX

$ /usr/bin/ruby -e '$(curl -fsSL'

Mac Redis Client

How to Install Redis on Mac OSX via Homebrew

$ brew install redis

After installation, you will see some notification about some caveats on configuring.


How to Start Redis When Computer Starts:

$ ln -sfv /usr/local/opt/redis/*.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents

How to Start Redis as a Service (Start on Boot) on OSX:

$ launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.redis.plist

How to Start Redis Using Configuration File:

$ redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis.conf

How to Disable Autostart of Redis on Startup

$ launchctl unload ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.redis.plist

Location of Redis configuration file.



How to Uninstall Redis from Mac OSX via Homebrew

$ brew uninstall redis


$ rm ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.redis.plist

View Redis Package Information

$ brew info redis


How to Test is Redis is Working:

$ redis-cli ping

If it replies “PONG”, then it’s good to go!


Redis ( -Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store, used as database, cache and message broker.

redis-rb ( -A Ruby client library that tries to match Redis' API one-to-one, while still providing an idiomatic interface. It features thread-safety, client-side sharding, pipelining, and an obsession for performance.

Redis Desktop Client For Mac

Medis ( & -OSX GUI for Redis.