Best Torrent Client For Headless Server

  • Torrentflux is available in the Ubuntu repositories, but I think in a quite outdated version now. Deluge can be obtained from the getdeb repositories. It also has a GUI client software that you could run from your desktop and connect to the 'headless client' running on your server to control it.
  • What are the best (non webUI) clients for a headless torrent server? Software I've been scouting a lot of different torrent servers and in each and every.

Folx is at the top of our list of torrent apps for Mac since for now it is the only torrent client that is is fully compatible with macOS Big Sur. It offers a convenient way of downloading torrent files: set the priority, regulate download and upload speed, tag downloads for quick search through the content.

Actually, if it is a strong enough hardware, you can run any GUI application that you'd like with vnc (like I do Ktorrent and aMule on my headless Arch server).
Here's how you do it:

1. Install basic xorg, a basic window manager and tight vnc on the headless server:

2. Run the server once so it will create ~/.vnc and setup passwords

3. Setup the vnc startup script (so you wont need to ssh and manually activate it after the headless reboots).
Call it vnc and put it in /etc/rc.d/
Dont forget to set it up to run at startup in rc.conf
replace daf666 with your username!

Ubuntu headless server


# general config
. /etc/rc.conf
. /etc/rc.d/functions

case '$1' in
stat_busy 'Starting vncserver'
su daf666 -c '/usr/bin/vncserver'
if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
add_daemon vnc
stat_busy 'Stopping vncserver'
killall Xvnc
if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
rm_daemon vnc
$0 stop
sleep 3
$0 start
echo 'usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}'

4. To setup openbox to run at startup insert 'openbox' in your ~/.vnc/xstartup

5. Reboot the headless

6. Install tightvnc on your desktop machine and connect to the headless: vncviewer (replace with ur IP and screen num)

Headless Server Linux

7. Install ktorrent or what ever.. then it will keep running after you disconnect


Actually, if it is a strong enough hardware, you can run any GUI application that you'd like with vnc (like I do Ktorrent and aMule on my headless Arch server).
Here's how you do it:

1. Install basic xorg, a basic window manager and tight vnc on the headless server:

2. Run the server once so it will create ~/.vnc and setup passwords

3. Setup the vnc startup script (so you wont need to ssh and manually activate it after the headless reboots).
Call it vnc and put it in /etc/rc.d/
Dont forget to set it up to run at startup in rc.conf
replace daf666 with your username!


# general config
. /etc/rc.conf
. /etc/rc.d/functions

Best Torrent Client For Headless Servers

case '$1' in
stat_busy 'Starting vncserver'
su daf666 -c '/usr/bin/vncserver'
if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
add_daemon vnc
stat_busy 'Stopping vncserver'
killall Xvnc
if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
rm_daemon vnc
$0 stop
sleep 3
$0 start
echo 'usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}'

4. To setup openbox to run at startup insert 'openbox' in your ~/.vnc/xstartup

5. Reboot the headless

Headless Windows Server

6. Install tightvnc on your desktop machine and connect to the headless: vncviewer (replace with ur IP and screen num)

Minecraft Headless Server

7. Install ktorrent or what ever.. then it will keep running after you disconnect